Affectionate Maltese puppy for adoption or purchase 1 000 eur
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Listing removed from published 28 September 2024

Affectionate Maltese puppy for adoption or purchase

Created: 28 September 2024
Breed of dog: Maltese 
Here's comprehensive information:

*Maltese Puppy Facts:*

1. Birth weight: 2-4 ounces (57-113 grams)
2. Birth size: 6-8 inches (15-20 cm) long
3. Litter size: 2-5 puppies
4. Puppy development:
- Eyes open: 10-14 days
- Ears open: 14-18 days
- Weaning: 4-6 weeks
- Full growth: 6-12 months
5. Coat: Soft, silky, and white

*Puppy Care:*

1. Nutrition: High-quality puppy food, divided into 3-4 meals
2. Vaccinations: 6-8 weeks, 12-14 weeks, and 16-18 weeks
3. Socialization: Critical between 8-16 weeks
4. Training: Positive reinforcement, housebreaking, and basic obedience
5. Health checks: Regular veterinary visits

*Maltese Puppy Price:*

1. Pet-quality puppy: £600-$1,000
2. Show-quality puppy: £700-£1,000
WhatsApp:+44 7536 603718
Created: 28 September 2024
WhatsApp 44 7536 603718
Was online 28 september 2024 17:49
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