New Arrival of arowana fish and other arowana in stock 230 евр
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New Arrival of arowana fish and other arowana in stock

Создано: 7 августа 2024
We are having quality super red arowanas fish and many others fish for sale
Wesupply live Super Red, Red Asian Arowana,jardini Arowana,Chili
Red,Golden Arowana and others etc... Each equiped with chip &
certificate to comply with CITES We grow into one of the best arowana's
brand, well known in International market . We supply best quality live
Asian Arowana / Scleropages Formosus, from size 15 cm & up. Each
equipped with chip & certificate to comply with CITES We deliver
live Arowana by air cargo, so we can deliver to almost anywhere in the
world. Re-sellers are welcomed to inquire.Quality and healthy +A
Grade,We give them out on an affordable price, contact now on more
infos, serious inquires only, {}
Super Red Fish ---------------------
Asian Red Fish ---------------
Chili Red Fish ---------------
Gold Fish --------------------------
Red tail golden(RTG)-------
Jardiniere Arowana Fish ----------------
Golden x Back Fish -------------
Green and Blue Fish ----------------
Silver Fish --------------------
Black Fish ---------------------
Создано: 7 августа 2024
Был онлайн 23 сентября 2024 20:42
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Был онлайн 23 сентября 2024 20:42
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